Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Dream.

For my last quote I picked in my opinion the best thing I have ever read or heard. It is from an Irish play writer George Bernard Shaw. You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?" (“Back to Methuselah" (1921), part 1, act 1) This quote has always appealed to me ever since I was a kid. It always speaks to me. My mother was the one who showed me it she had a plaque that had this quote on it.

            I believe the reason it speaks to me is because no matter what you think of yourself or your thoughts they are yours and you should not be ashamed of them. I am a bit of a perfectionist. So whenever I building something it has to work just right or I will throw out the whole thing and start again. The quote showed me that no matter how crazy something look or how out of this world you believe your dream is it matters and should be acted on. You never know how your ideas or outlooks on different things will impact someone.

            I wonder sometimes perhaps great inventors had these ideas. I mean how many people would have told Thomas Edison that a flame lighting through a glass bulb was a crazy idea, but he went on and experimented on it thousands of times eventually creating the light bulb. Just imagine how the world would be without the ideas and dreams of other inventors, artist, and writers without their dreams.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Importance of "Thanks"

I found this quote because it is around Thanksgiving. This quote is a nice one because it shows the different effects of praise and thankfulness on people I find that a very interesting outlook on this subject. Praise has different effects, according to the mind it meets with; it makes a wise man modest, but a fool more arrogant. Feltham. I find this a very truthful and well-rounded outlook on Praise and Thankfulness.

            The quote Feltham said spoke to me because it kind of brought me to reality with how true it was. As much as I hate to say it I believe everyone at some time has let praise go to their head at some time rather it is because of power, love, or even just the feeling of being appreciated. That can sometimes go to your head without you even realizing it.

            On a lighter note I really enjoy this time of year especially Thanksgiving because it is the time to show your appreciation for things. It is one of the few times people just sit down and really look at the world and what they have. Just to say thanks and really appreciate what you have in life. I have always enjoyed seeing that just stepping back and seeing all of what you really have. Sometimes I wonder if people start to lose that appreciation for what they have and realize that someone else could be just were you are or even worse. So be thankful for what you have and have a wounderful holiday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Great Goodbye

Well this being one of my last blog post I figured I would give you a quote an old man gave to me at my work. I like to go and talk to the people at the nursing home I work at. He told me this quote because he said it was nice to see such a young man look at the world through other people’s eyes. He said he would be going home this week so he wanted to give me a piece of advice. Until you are broken, you don’t know what you’re made of. He said he did not make this up but someone he loved wrote this to him in a letter a long while back.

            That one little quote really struck me I do not know why but I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard before in my life. It was like no matter who you if you hit rock bottom there is no way but up. It spoke to me like you never give up. That exactly what it means to me. Once you hit rock bottom then pick yourself back up and really start to see what you can do. Once you achieve this goal you can see what you are really made of. I loved just the environment he put me in it made me feel like I made his day he just talk to me for maybe a half hour but it was a wonderful and truly beautiful way to say goodbye to someone.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Right and Wrong?

This week has been full of what I call rights and wrongs but how can you define what is right and what is wrong? If you think of it is just what a majority of society say what is right and what is wrong. People are just told and raised by what other people want them to be. How many people actually define what is right and what is wrong to them. If they do they just accept what they are told. I have friend who a talked to about my ideas on this and essentially it affects only three beliefs personal, society, and reality. Each of those beliefs complements each other. The quote I picked for this week is from Alice in Wonderland. "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) This quote reminded me of the man I was talking to. It was very odd to talk to someone with the same outlooks of change I myself have. He asked me were I learned about these ideas and I told him it was passed on to me from a book. He called me crazy and then we went on with our day. I just found it very odd to meet all sorts of different people in the world. So I thought what a better quot than from Alice in Wonderland to describe that conversation.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Bonds of Love and Family

My week has been going pretty damn weird. Just about every person I talk to the subject is family and the very touchy subject of … dare I say it… love. Everybody has a different idea of what love is. Have you ever asked yourself what is the definition of love? Webster Dictionary would like to tell you that it is a feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another. In the long run depends on what you want love to be.

            I thought this inspirational quote about love would pretty much sum up my week. “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” Brandi Snyder. I have been watching the movie Grapes of Wrath in my history class. I love the movie and the book. John Steinbeck wrote the book. The whole story is based around family bonds. Even though the world is going to hell around them the still have each other. They were poor and starving during the Great Depression and they still had each other. Now that is a true example of love and family bonds.

            The end of the quote makes me think the kind of love you feel when you look into someone’s eyes. The one where you just wish you could pause that very moment of time and just stay in bliss. So many people take for granted the people around them. When you hit rock bottom you still have your friends or most of all your family. I think the idea of love is great it is the only emotion that goes from good to bad and you always have a smile on you face. I hope this put a smile on your face too.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hamilton Wright Mabie

This post is going to be an odd one this post has to do with a friend of mine who just got out of prison last year. The quote is one that tells me to learn from my mistakes and move on from the past. The quote is a very kind “The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success.” From Hamilton Wright Mabie.

            My friend and I were talking about what he was going to do with himself. He said he is going to get an apartment and become a mechanic. He also said that he wishes things could have been different. He feels like he is a disappointment to everyone that looks at him. None the less he wants to start new he wants to move on. He believes he deserved his jail time. He wants to call that his time of cleansing. He said the thing that got him through it all is the discussion groups. He got the enjoyment of talking to other people who have done similar things like him.

            When I meant him I never knew he was in prison. He helped me understand that everyone makes mistakes no matter who they are. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Your greatest enemy is yourself. Only you can hold yourself back. “If you set your mind to anything you can achieve something even greater.” One of the hardest things for a person to do is to not judge someone from first glance. I try not to do this. Keep an open mind and realize that could be you in those shoes.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Winston Curchill

              This week the inspirational quote I am going to give you is a much more memorable one. It has a lot to do with friends on my part. As soon as I found it I thought of one of my close friend who moved away. It made me smile at the kind of thought you never know what you really had until you do not have it any more. The quote I pick was from the famous British leader Winston Churchill. He said “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill. When I look at that quote it makes me think of my friend I have not seen or talked to in such a long time. The last time we talked we were up in Wisconsin. I remember it better than I remember what I did yesterday. It was a warm day with that kind of wind that feels like a gentle touch. He told me he was going to Poland to live and raise his family. My whole life I never knew he was originally from Poland. I always knew him by his American name Chris. He told me he was done with school and he was ready to go home. So we talked for a couple of hours and I have not seen him since. For a while we wrote letters to each other but that slowly stopped. Before he left to Poland we exchanged gifts. I gave him a die I loved when I was a kid and he gave me a penny. I keep that penny in a lockbox. Every time I look at it I think of him. The quote reminded me of that memory I had as I went through my lockbox on Tuesday. It made me think of just a simple gift like made him a friend in my mind for life. After he got an education from America he went and gave a good life to his family. What other things dose this story remind you of? 

Chinese Proverb

            My blog post will be on inspirational quotes that I can relate to myself every week. I will tell you how the inspirational quote relates to my life. I would love it if you could relate the inspirational quote to your life or a situation it reminds you of. Tell it like if you were telling a story to a little kid. You do not have to tell me everything if you do not feel comfortable with it. I would love even the small simple responses. You will not be judged for what you post. My goal is to make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Like a little get away. Tell me both the good and bad parts of my quotes. If it is hard to understand please tell me.

            My first inspirational quote will be “Do not forget small kindness and do not remember small faults.” Chinese Proverb. This reminds me of my friend how rented out a room in his house to his stepson. His stepson left and said he would pay him back every Friday. He never showed. Though my friend was upset he let it go and still loves his stepson for the little things he has done. I love looking at friends through this quote because whenever I get in a fight with someone. I look at this quote. It reminds me of the good in people and helps me get over the bumps in the road. It is like the saying forgive and forget. Don’t linger in the past look for happiness in the future. I would love to hear what you have to say on this quote.