Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Importance of "Thanks"

I found this quote because it is around Thanksgiving. This quote is a nice one because it shows the different effects of praise and thankfulness on people I find that a very interesting outlook on this subject. Praise has different effects, according to the mind it meets with; it makes a wise man modest, but a fool more arrogant. Feltham. I find this a very truthful and well-rounded outlook on Praise and Thankfulness.

            The quote Feltham said spoke to me because it kind of brought me to reality with how true it was. As much as I hate to say it I believe everyone at some time has let praise go to their head at some time rather it is because of power, love, or even just the feeling of being appreciated. That can sometimes go to your head without you even realizing it.

            On a lighter note I really enjoy this time of year especially Thanksgiving because it is the time to show your appreciation for things. It is one of the few times people just sit down and really look at the world and what they have. Just to say thanks and really appreciate what you have in life. I have always enjoyed seeing that just stepping back and seeing all of what you really have. Sometimes I wonder if people start to lose that appreciation for what they have and realize that someone else could be just were you are or even worse. So be thankful for what you have and have a wounderful holiday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Great Goodbye

Well this being one of my last blog post I figured I would give you a quote an old man gave to me at my work. I like to go and talk to the people at the nursing home I work at. He told me this quote because he said it was nice to see such a young man look at the world through other people’s eyes. He said he would be going home this week so he wanted to give me a piece of advice. Until you are broken, you don’t know what you’re made of. He said he did not make this up but someone he loved wrote this to him in a letter a long while back.

            That one little quote really struck me I do not know why but I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard before in my life. It was like no matter who you if you hit rock bottom there is no way but up. It spoke to me like you never give up. That exactly what it means to me. Once you hit rock bottom then pick yourself back up and really start to see what you can do. Once you achieve this goal you can see what you are really made of. I loved just the environment he put me in it made me feel like I made his day he just talk to me for maybe a half hour but it was a wonderful and truly beautiful way to say goodbye to someone.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Right and Wrong?

This week has been full of what I call rights and wrongs but how can you define what is right and what is wrong? If you think of it is just what a majority of society say what is right and what is wrong. People are just told and raised by what other people want them to be. How many people actually define what is right and what is wrong to them. If they do they just accept what they are told. I have friend who a talked to about my ideas on this and essentially it affects only three beliefs personal, society, and reality. Each of those beliefs complements each other. The quote I picked for this week is from Alice in Wonderland. "But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland) This quote reminded me of the man I was talking to. It was very odd to talk to someone with the same outlooks of change I myself have. He asked me were I learned about these ideas and I told him it was passed on to me from a book. He called me crazy and then we went on with our day. I just found it very odd to meet all sorts of different people in the world. So I thought what a better quot than from Alice in Wonderland to describe that conversation.